Tuesday, September 1, 2009


a 2nd song by eric carter hah to me
never could have thought that he actually know what and how i feel all this while when he is fighting for survival....

"Is this the moment where I look you in the eye?
Forgive my broken promise that you'll never see me cry.
And everything, it will surely change even if
I tell you I won't go away today

will u think that you're all alone
when no one's there to hold ur hand?
and all u know seems so far away
and everything is temporary rest ur head
i'm permanent

i know he's living in hell every single day
and so i ask oh god is there some way for me to take his place
and when they say it's all touch and go
i wish i could make it go away
but still u say

will u think that you're all alone
when no one's there to hold ur hand?
and all u know seems so far away
and everything is temporary rest ur head
i'm permanent
i'm permanent

Is this the moment where I look you in the eye?
Forgive my broken promise that you'll never see me cry...

分手吧~ 哦~ 分手吧

也就是说 我放弃了我们之间的感情
给了那么多次机会, 最后还是一次又一次的伤害
分手吧 我不适合你 我不能接受你对感情的价值观
ric 知道的东西 我全都知道 他还有力气去和你争辩, 但我已没力气了, 我不想再这样辛苦地爱着你了
你是我这一辈子里对我撒最多谎的人 而我最痛恨的就是谎言, 而且是出自我爱的人口里 伤害更深
这一阵子 kenji告诉我所有的东西之后, 我什么都没说, 累了, 不想再去想为什么你还是要这样, 我只想好好过自己的生活, 照顾ric。 就这样。而且希望你能找份好工作, 所以到现在才提出分手。
与其整天在烦kenji几时才肯放过你, 何不自己洁身自爱, 坦荡荡做人, 哪怕人家重伤你。你停下来的时候, 就是kenji 消失的时候。至于谁是kenji ,你比谁都要清楚,它是一个曾经被你伤得很深的人。
不要再说我答应过什么, 我为你的付出已经远远超过你应得的!!!
不要再说你有多难过多委屈多痛苦, 那是你自己拿来的。别尝试和我讲道理, 只怕我现在一肚子的气爆发在你身上。
我跟你之间的感情, 今天就划上句号。
至于你和ric之间感情, 那是你们之间的事。不关我的事
来了新之后, 好好加油, 从新开始。
得空见面, 喝个茶无妨:)

